Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Diaper Rash Rant!!

Ok, I do not understand how some parents don't seem to care if their child has a diaper rash??? How would they like to be that uncomfortable?? In my contract they are supposed to supply ointment as needed, I wish I could specify which brand though. I have one little girl who always has a diaper rash. I change her often and use my ointment because they send A&D (if they send any at all) and personally I hate that stuff. My personal opinion from wiping and putting ointment on a lot of tushes, A&D and Boudreax's Butt Paste do NOT work on anything other than a barely there rash. Triple Paste is so hard that you really have to rub it hard on the tush to get it to stick and with a soar butt, I could never do that. Desitin does work, but you need to apply it very often to get it to work. The only cream I use with my kids now is Extra Protective Cream by Smith and Nephew. I came across this at the NICU when my youngest son was born and wont use anything else. I haven't found it in a local store so I've ordered it from medical supply companies. It's a bit more expensive but worth every penny because you can get rid of the worst rash with 1 or 2 applications before bed time. They also have a cleanser spray that is awesome. It helps between those dirty diaper changes so you don't need to rub much at all to get cream off. I'm not getting paid to write this (that would be awesome though :), just my personal recommendation to those who are having diaper rash issues with their little ones.

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