Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine Heart Puzzle

We or I should say "I" cut out a bunch of hearts in different sizes. I then cut them zig zag down the middle. The kids had alot of fun, working together actually, :) to put the 2 halves back together. It kept them entertained for awhile :)

Cold Weather Bites!

The actual temperature is negative 6 and the windchill is negative 32....so that means going outside is out of the question. The boys are going stir crazy, I think it's national "time-out" day as many as I've dished out today, and its not even nap time yet! It's supposed to warm up to the 30's this weekend. I really hope it does, I need some fresh air!!! I guess it's another "craft day". I'm running out of Valentine crafts and games. I'm about to move on to St Patricks Day :)

Long Week, Short Weekend!!

Last week was a very long week and I didn't get all of my "to do" things done so I feel like I'm already behind for the week and it's only Tuesday. The snow storm just threw the whole week into a tailspin. We did get some sledding in and fort/tunnel building in Sunday before the weekend ended. I had a migraine all weekend so I forgot about a baptism I wanted to go to. I felt terrible. Then I had an appointment Sunday for a lady to come by for a walktrough/interview for daycare. I waited and she never came. That always pisses me off when they don't bother to even call. I cleaned and just waited for her to come. Then I thought forget it and took the boys outside to play with the neighbor boy. We built a fort/tunnels out of the enormous mountains of snow from the snow plows.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Baby is 3 Today!!!

I am so surprised how I am feeling today. There's a house full of kids and I'm completely sad my son's 3 today??? I am the one who is usually happy they're growing up and hitting milestones, but today it hit me hard and I'm just sad he's getting older. It probably doesn't help that we're in the middle of a snow "event" as the weather people keep calling it. I have the boys coloring construction paper for birthday hats. They're having fun with that. Better go start taping them together.

Monday, January 31, 2011

This day just wont END!!

It's 1030pm and I just want to pass out in bed but have a huge list of things that I really should do before morning, should being the most important word :) The house needs picked up, dishes need done, there are 6 loads of clean towels/clothes that need folded, should shovel the sidewalk/driveway and I NEED to take the trash & recycling to the street. Something is telling me that the last thing is the only one that's getting done tonite. We got home late from a birthday party at Chucky Cheese. My boys had never been there so they thought it was great. The party seemed to be moving so slow, could have been the fact that I was hoping to get out of there by 8 so I could drop the boys off at home with my husband and run to Toys R Us for birthday presents for my son's 3rd birthday tomorrow. I was ready for Christmas months ahead of time, but his birthday always sneaks up on me for some reason??? Tomorrow is going to be another long day with the kids wanting to play in the snow, but I don't know how cold it is going to be so we may have to stay inside. It is supposed to snow all afternoon and into the nite they're saying. I've said it a few times already, I WANT SPRING. I want green grass, my flowers to be in bloom and no snow!!! It's weird the birds and squirrels just reappeared at the feeders a few days ago. It gave me a false sense of spring being around the corner so I think that's making it more difficult. Well the toys aren't picking themselves up off the floor so I guess I better get to it....

Is this day over yet??????

Today is dragging on forever and there are hours left in it. My husband and I decided at 630 last night that I was going to pull up the carpet in the master bedroom too. It was a little too late to start but oh well. We did it because he was taking the other carpet to the landfill today and we thought we would "save a trip".  I think I made it to bed at 1130 and didn't sleep well at all! And today is just a poop of a day, literally. 2 little ones pooped through diapers because they're teething and they're cranky too. And I just looked out my window and it's starting to snow. They are forecasting 15+ inches of snow now through Wednesday. Good Lord if your listening,,,,,I WANT SPRING!!!! Now I'm going to need to get up a good hr and a half earlier the next 2 days to snow blow the driveway for the parents and kids. With all this bleeeping snow it better at least be wet snow so we can make forts and snowmen. All of the snow lately has been so dry it doesn't stick at all. Well, better go wrap a birthday gift for a party my boys are going to tonight. I guess I'm a procrastinator :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yeah no more carpet!

I spent most of Friday evening pulling up the carpet in my almost 3 year old's bedroom. Luckily it was great hardwood floors underneath like all of the other rooms have been. I will say that if I ever get my hands on the moron who tacked down the carpet padding I just may strangle them. There were waaaay more staples than neccesary, they were in super deap (almost flush with the floor) and in a random pattern around the room. You would think the person would have been standing facing one wall, so all of the staples would be lined up the same way, but NOOOOO this person must have been spinning circles or something?? Oh well. Only 1 boo boo that used like 6 bandaids and still hurts. But it was worth it. Now to wait for the wallpaper border. I ordered it from Ebay, but didn't pay attention to the part that said it shipped from Korea.....so I'm gonna be waiting much longer than planned. My fault though. It will give me time to do a few other things like curtains and stuff. Can't believe my baby is going to be 3 years old in just a few days :(

Ohhhhh Bananas!!!

I noticed a few bananas on the kitchen counter Friday when I grabbed the bread for lunch. They were definately past ripe. Normally I would probably just toss them out but I'm an avid couponer and love to save money so just throwing away something seemed wrong. We decided we would make some banana bread. Something I've never done, but I love to bake so figured it would be easy. I found the following recipe and it turned out great. One note from my husband is that I need to make sure to COMPLETELY mash up the bananas. I'm not a banana bread fan so I had no clue???

2 cups Flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2 1/3 cups mashed bananas (I just used the 4 bananas I had)

Preheat oven to 350.
Combine flour, baking soda and salt.
In a seperate bowl cream together butter and brown sugar.
Stir in eggs and mashed bananas.
Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture.
Pour into 2 greased loaf pans.
Bake for 60 minutes.

The boys had fun and I didn't waste the bananas. All in all it was fun.